Sunday, August 24, 2008

Scientist Love Interest- like totally hates me

The other night, I talked to Scientist Love Interest. He was busy at work (on a Saturday night- he does anything to avoid sociability). Anyway we talked for awhile, as I had just returned from a concert. Well, he gets on me b/c he guesses that it must have been comped. It was free to all, so no comp. He hates whenever I get invited out to places for free. He said to me, "How does it feel to ride the gravy train!"

Reminder: this man IS from Ronald Reagan country, so stereotypes run amok.

I ended up calling him out on his excessive fixation with all things related to money. Here's the thing- I've never asked this man for a dime in my life, or even broached the subject of money, but he has this insane idea that I must like have some insatiable thirst for it.


Scientist Love Interest admitted that he was jealous that I get to do so many things, and my life is carefree. He accused me of having a trust fund. Scientist Love Interest of blue eyes and advanced age is becoming hateful. Then out of no where, he said that I should have been Obama's VP choice b/c of my "rich and influential friends."


Ah Scientist Love Interest, you have no idea how you sound. If not for a three hour time difference, my overabundant PMS, and a track record with you, I may have felt compelled to say something else. I didn't, as I was too exhausted and empty-headed for a comeback at one a.m. which you could sense.. I know, this is some sort of twisted form of foreplay for you, where you get Princess Wanderlust angry enough to have some incredible make up lovemaking the next time we meet.

It's not going to work. I dare you to leave your wallet on the nightstand now....since I'm a golddigger and all....However, I gonna watch that YOU DON'T TAKE ANY OF MY MONEY, since people who normally obsess, only do so because they have problems of their own.


Riding on the Crest- O is bringing out the AWM big time

OK, so the O man thinks he is going to get the vote this fall.
Well, I happen to know more than a few "liberal white men" and I have to clue the O man into the sad truth- you ain't getting their votes son.

A few (white) guys that normally sound as liberal as the day is long, are going to be voting for McSame. They have told me that they don't think that the O man has enough tenacity, experience, or the capabilities.

No one ever had such talk about a former C student from Texas, but that's another post.

The truth is though, I should be a pollster, because I think there is a wider margin of error b/c people are lying about who they will REALLLLLLY vote for.

So a few liberal white men are steadily morphing into the Angry White Men stereotype big time. The truth is that an unqualified black man will always be scrutinized more than an unqualified white man, any day of the week.

People are pretty honest with me, I guess because they know I won't call them out on their thoughts and feelings. Hey, you believe what you believe, it's not that deep to me. I don't judge honest feelings as racist, people are entitled to have their own opinion and belief system. In the world of PCness, we've forgotten that people have feelings, and in my book, you'd better own what you think once in awhile.

My take- the O man is not ready, and McSame is scary. We're screwed.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Show You the Way to Go

My favorite question...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Am I a golddigger?

I don't think so, but someone, I will call Scientist Love Interest thinks so.
Why? He says that I seem to hang around with people of considerable influence.

Yeah dude, for WORK.

I've dated wealthy men before. Many times I didn't even know it, and even after finding out it was a "so what" moment for me. Money is just money to me.

Scientist Love Interest is attempting to look for anything to do a "gotcha." He's a seasoned bachelor of advanced age, who has never married and has no children. The thing is that he totally digs me, and has had this 10-year relationship with me- granted at a distance, and double granted, more friendship than the between the sheets variety.

I really love his powerful mind, which is a total turn on. He also has beautiful blue eyes, he's humble, and has a peculiar breed of not so obvious niceness about him. You have to dig to find it, but it exists.

However, on the other side, he's pretty cynical and a loner and pours his life into work, so basically he lacks rudimentary social graces. He "joked" that I was a "golddigger" but honestly, Princess Wanderlust did not laugh. I pride myself on not wanting anything from anyone- sort of my hallmark.

He needs a hug. Silly d..k.


Something New?

Sanaa Lathan starred a couple of years ago in the film "Something New."
Simon Baker (he's so hot) co-starred as her love interest.
A quick synopsis is that a professional black woman meets a white landscaper, and they find love- after she constantly resists b/c she thinks she is betraying her blackness.

It brings me back again to the whole argument of when black women get caught up in the idea that they don't deserve to date anyone, unless he looks like Wesley Snipes or Denzel Washington.


Wake-up, and realize that this is all a game. A friend told me how she was with her white boyfriend, and a random black guy started yelling at him, "you know you're not going to marry her!"

Please, like random black guy is going to marry her. Marriage rates among black women suck, and there are black men out there who would be quicker to impregnate a black woman (and ditch her behind) then to go through the whole Martha Stewart's wedding magazine.

I dated a black guy for three years, and on paper we should have been married. However, I quickly realized that he was not marriage material. I guess I was attracted to him because he had no kids, and he had a job. However in the end, these should not be leading prerequisites for dating someone. We truly had nothing in common, except the exact same complection.

My advice is always this, love who you want to love. Life is too short for compromise.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Is it ok to cheat on your wife only if you've been a POW?

Favorite Collective Soul song?

multicultural chronicles

Last year, I had a chance to walk through an exhibition with a local artist who wanted to show me her works.
She's white, but she did a study of the origins of some family upstate.
She kept going through the exhibition, and telling me how these people were unique, because they were "tri-racial."
Yes, black, native american and white.


I've always checked the black box, b/c it was convenient.
I happen to be of this same tri-racial lineage too.
I've never thought about it, b/c quite honestly, it's one of those, "oh that's nice" kind of moments.
I wasn't one of those black kids that stood up in school, and started saying, "yeah, my grandmother is part Cherokee!"
Yes, we are such a self-loathing race, it's pretty pathetic after awhile.
I don't wave some afro-centric flag, and I haven't been w/o a relaxer since the age of 8, but to be honest, being black is not that deep.
At the end of the day, maybe it's just part of something bigger....
being an AMERICAN. :)

What do you think about PC people?

Please. Is this a question?
People love to be high-minded, and act like they never drop words from the banned alphabet.

Has Princess Wanderlust dropped the "n" bomb?
Hell yes.

Has Princess Wanderlust dropped the "h" bomb when referencing skanky chicks?
Hell yes.

A friend of mine, who always appears PC, sending around conference announcements about "Banning the N Word" and calling us "african americans" all the time, is apparently not as PC as I thought. She's been a CLOSETED sinner!

The other night, in anger, she started yelling about the incompetence of some people on one of her projects, "N's need to start doing things differently! It's time for n's to change!"

She said these two statement five times in a row. The PC list is one person shorter.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What do you think of people who dress their kids alike?

A friend added me to her facebook page.
I took a look at her family album.
Her daughters are so cute.
Maybe 1.5 years apart in age.
However, girlie dresses them in the EXACT SAME OUTFITS in EVERY shot.

OK, so I will tell you why this makes no sense to me,
beyond the fact that their individual personalities will never be permitted to SHINE,
or that they are not twins (I don't condone twin dress alikes either).
It makes no sense, because it'll mean that the younger one will be stuck in the same outfit
For about two years of her life,
if her older sister's clothing ever gets passed along.

Her husband is a super smart neurosurgeon,
so it's not like there isn't at least one super brain among them,
but who knows, maybe HE suggested it!

Maybe this is why I'm childless.

Do you cyber stalk an ex?

I found myself cyber stalking an ex.
Now usually, I don't do this, but for some reason, he crossed my mind today.
I was just looking at his picture online. It didn't compel me to write him some crazy note, or bookmark the page.

Let's face it, when I broke up with him, I was pretty annoyed at him, because I wanted a reason to stay in the south.
At the last minute, he gave me a reason, right before I boarded the plane.
Hated him for that.

Anyway, life went on, we've made amends since.
I hooked up with people my way, and he did his.

His post Wanderlustgirl GF is an interesting one.
She looks like me in a paler shade.
Brickhousian white girl, thick in the same places that I am.

The only difference is....
She's like mad older than me.
So her big girls are gonna drop to the knee level before mine.
I guess one can be thankful for small favors involving gravity.

Meeeow. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Do you love beachy sounding music?

Yes, check out Beck's Gamma Ray.

I'm in love with...

Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico.
He should be the next president IMHO.
Anyway, he won't be.
He grew the facial hair- that was the moment my governor crush began.
At least I can admit that.
Obama- serve him a biscuit.
He doesn't do it for me- he looks like a human clothes hanger.
Someone needs to get brother to a tailor- STAT!