Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What are your thoughts on insecure women?

Insecure women who date good-looking men are horror shows.

A guy I know is a political operative, with innumerable connections. Political Brother always greets me with a hug and kiss. He is personable, nice, and quite good looking. However, I would never classify his actions as remotely more than very polite.

I recently saw him at a fundraiser. He is very chatty, and shared with me some professionally related news. Suddenly, I notice this nondescript chick beeline across the room, only to push herself into the space.

Agitated Chick stands there sucking her teeth, looks extremely perturbed with each passing moment, because Political Brother is talking to me.

Suddenly she downgrades herself to average, based on the following: zero personality, sullen presence and bad manners. Her personal/physical appearance is irrelevant. Pretty is as pretty does, and her attitude did not exude that at all. When someone cuts and rolls their eyes, sulks, pouts and gets downright childish, it becomes a useless situation. At one point, Agitated Chick started talking under her breath!

Don't women ever get it? Is insecurity cool? Why would you allow yourself to look so lonely, needy and desperate- especially when it is abundantly clear that I have no interest in your man?

Yes- Agitated Chick grabbed his arm, and whisked him out of my sight, just as Political Brother spoke MID-sentence.

She'd better be careful, she might run into someone with way more game than me. Here's Me'shell with a reality check: