Sunday, December 16, 2007

Have you ever met an Evil Hairdresser?

It was always hot in New Orleans. My hair is ridiculously thick, but between the hard water and the humidity, it was nearly impossible to straighten my hair. I use to hold out for a relaxer until I went back up North to deal with it.

However, between writing my thesis and traveling, I'd neglected the crown. I asked my neighbor's housekeeper(the only other black person in the if she knew any spots that I could go to get my hair done. She mentioned this place over in the Seventh Ward.

I went to the hair salon on St. Bernard Avenue. I walked in, and my senses were assaulted with every form of dye, burning, and straightening process within reach. Yes, the personification of a miasma of misery. I sat in a chair, and the hairdresser looked at me and said, "Well, I'll be damned, you sho' have a lotta hair. What am I going to do with all of this?!"

Creole translation "Tifi, can't cha don't cha hair" or little girl, there's nothing I can do with your hair.

Fiddle faddle, deal with it dammit. :)

After pummeling my scalp with a comb, and assaulting it with lye, I entered the depths of hell. My scalp was on fire, and the Evil Hairdresser seemed to enjoy torturing me. An hour later, I felt like I had exited the gates, to emerge in enough time to thank God that I had survived. I looked like some aged church lady, with some flat hat hair looking mess, as styling was obviously not the Evil Hairdresser's forte. I was just happy to leave.

An outgrowth of the hurricane, in fact is that the place is no longer in business. Yes, I checked when I went back to New Orleans last I guess she's assaulting people by the mile in Mississippi or Texas nowadays. Good grief.