Here's the story.
Yesterday, while looking for a black cashmere cat-burglar hat to keep my big head from freezing in the frigid cold, I dipped into Lord and Taylor on Fifth Avenue.
As I'm perusing in the accessories department, I hear a guy talking in the aisle behind me on his cell phone. Funny, men can go for a half-hour of complete silence across from one another when in the same room, but smack an electronic device into their hands, and they go on for an eternity chatting it up.
So Loud Cell Phone Guy is looking at himself in the vertical plate glass columns of the store, and he's running his hands through his hair. He's super colossal giggling at this point, so you'd have to be completely deaf not to hear him. His tone gets so excited, almost giddy, and he starts yelling:
"Dude, like I woke-up this morning, and I took a shower. When I finished combing my hair, I said, 'Man, I really look like Tom Brady!" (Insert his laugh). "Then, like I got stoked (laugh) because I said, like I totally cannot believe that I look so much like Tom Brady! I'm just like having a totally Tom Brady looking day! Yes (laugh again) I wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook me for Tom Brady!"
Did I really think that he looked the incredibly hot, drippingly fine and handsome quarterback from the New England Patriots?
No, I was thinking more Peter Brady, but who'd get stoked about that.