Sunday, August 24, 2008
Scientist Love Interest- like totally hates me
Reminder: this man IS from Ronald Reagan country, so stereotypes run amok.
I ended up calling him out on his excessive fixation with all things related to money. Here's the thing- I've never asked this man for a dime in my life, or even broached the subject of money, but he has this insane idea that I must like have some insatiable thirst for it.
Scientist Love Interest admitted that he was jealous that I get to do so many things, and my life is carefree. He accused me of having a trust fund. Scientist Love Interest of blue eyes and advanced age is becoming hateful. Then out of no where, he said that I should have been Obama's VP choice b/c of my "rich and influential friends."
Ah Scientist Love Interest, you have no idea how you sound. If not for a three hour time difference, my overabundant PMS, and a track record with you, I may have felt compelled to say something else. I didn't, as I was too exhausted and empty-headed for a comeback at one a.m. which you could sense.. I know, this is some sort of twisted form of foreplay for you, where you get Princess Wanderlust angry enough to have some incredible make up lovemaking the next time we meet.
It's not going to work. I dare you to leave your wallet on the nightstand now....since I'm a golddigger and all....However, I gonna watch that YOU DON'T TAKE ANY OF MY MONEY, since people who normally obsess, only do so because they have problems of their own.
Riding on the Crest- O is bringing out the AWM big time
Well, I happen to know more than a few "liberal white men" and I have to clue the O man into the sad truth- you ain't getting their votes son.
A few (white) guys that normally sound as liberal as the day is long, are going to be voting for McSame. They have told me that they don't think that the O man has enough tenacity, experience, or the capabilities.
No one ever had such talk about a former C student from Texas, but that's another post.
The truth is though, I should be a pollster, because I think there is a wider margin of error b/c people are lying about who they will REALLLLLLY vote for.
So a few liberal white men are steadily morphing into the Angry White Men stereotype big time. The truth is that an unqualified black man will always be scrutinized more than an unqualified white man, any day of the week.
People are pretty honest with me, I guess because they know I won't call them out on their thoughts and feelings. Hey, you believe what you believe, it's not that deep to me. I don't judge honest feelings as racist, people are entitled to have their own opinion and belief system. In the world of PCness, we've forgotten that people have feelings, and in my book, you'd better own what you think once in awhile.
My take- the O man is not ready, and McSame is scary. We're screwed.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Am I a golddigger?
Why? He says that I seem to hang around with people of considerable influence.
Yeah dude, for WORK.
I've dated wealthy men before. Many times I didn't even know it, and even after finding out it was a "so what" moment for me. Money is just money to me.
Scientist Love Interest is attempting to look for anything to do a "gotcha." He's a seasoned bachelor of advanced age, who has never married and has no children. The thing is that he totally digs me, and has had this 10-year relationship with me- granted at a distance, and double granted, more friendship than the between the sheets variety.
I really love his powerful mind, which is a total turn on. He also has beautiful blue eyes, he's humble, and has a peculiar breed of not so obvious niceness about him. You have to dig to find it, but it exists.
However, on the other side, he's pretty cynical and a loner and pours his life into work, so basically he lacks rudimentary social graces. He "joked" that I was a "golddigger" but honestly, Princess Wanderlust did not laugh. I pride myself on not wanting anything from anyone- sort of my hallmark.
He needs a hug. Silly d..k.
Something New?
Sanaa Lathan starred a couple of years ago in the film "Something New."
Simon Baker (he's so hot) co-starred as her love interest.
A quick synopsis is that a professional black woman meets a white landscaper, and they find love- after she constantly resists b/c she thinks she is betraying her blackness.
It brings me back again to the whole argument of when black women get caught up in the idea that they don't deserve to date anyone, unless he looks like Wesley Snipes or Denzel Washington.
Wake-up, and realize that this is all a game. A friend told me how she was with her white boyfriend, and a random black guy started yelling at him, "you know you're not going to marry her!"
Please, like random black guy is going to marry her. Marriage rates among black women suck, and there are black men out there who would be quicker to impregnate a black woman (and ditch her behind) then to go through the whole Martha Stewart's wedding magazine.
I dated a black guy for three years, and on paper we should have been married. However, I quickly realized that he was not marriage material. I guess I was attracted to him because he had no kids, and he had a job. However in the end, these should not be leading prerequisites for dating someone. We truly had nothing in common, except the exact same complection.
My advice is always this, love who you want to love. Life is too short for compromise.
Friday, August 15, 2008
multicultural chronicles
She's white, but she did a study of the origins of some family upstate.
She kept going through the exhibition, and telling me how these people were unique, because they were "tri-racial."
Yes, black, native american and white.
I've always checked the black box, b/c it was convenient.
I happen to be of this same tri-racial lineage too.
I've never thought about it, b/c quite honestly, it's one of those, "oh that's nice" kind of moments.
I wasn't one of those black kids that stood up in school, and started saying, "yeah, my grandmother is part Cherokee!"
Yes, we are such a self-loathing race, it's pretty pathetic after awhile.
I don't wave some afro-centric flag, and I haven't been w/o a relaxer since the age of 8, but to be honest, being black is not that deep.
At the end of the day, maybe it's just part of something bigger....
being an AMERICAN. :)
What do you think about PC people?
People love to be high-minded, and act like they never drop words from the banned alphabet.
Has Princess Wanderlust dropped the "n" bomb?
Hell yes.
Has Princess Wanderlust dropped the "h" bomb when referencing skanky chicks?
Hell yes.
A friend of mine, who always appears PC, sending around conference announcements about "Banning the N Word" and calling us "african americans" all the time, is apparently not as PC as I thought. She's been a CLOSETED sinner!
The other night, in anger, she started yelling about the incompetence of some people on one of her projects, "N's need to start doing things differently! It's time for n's to change!"
She said these two statement five times in a row. The PC list is one person shorter.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What do you think of people who dress their kids alike?
I took a look at her family album.
Her daughters are so cute.
Maybe 1.5 years apart in age.
However, girlie dresses them in the EXACT SAME OUTFITS in EVERY shot.
OK, so I will tell you why this makes no sense to me,
beyond the fact that their individual personalities will never be permitted to SHINE,
or that they are not twins (I don't condone twin dress alikes either).
It makes no sense, because it'll mean that the younger one will be stuck in the same outfit
For about two years of her life,
if her older sister's clothing ever gets passed along.
Her husband is a super smart neurosurgeon,
so it's not like there isn't at least one super brain among them,
but who knows, maybe HE suggested it!
Maybe this is why I'm childless.
Do you cyber stalk an ex?
Now usually, I don't do this, but for some reason, he crossed my mind today.
I was just looking at his picture online. It didn't compel me to write him some crazy note, or bookmark the page.
Let's face it, when I broke up with him, I was pretty annoyed at him, because I wanted a reason to stay in the south.
At the last minute, he gave me a reason, right before I boarded the plane.
Hated him for that.
Anyway, life went on, we've made amends since.
I hooked up with people my way, and he did his.
His post Wanderlustgirl GF is an interesting one.
She looks like me in a paler shade.
Brickhousian white girl, thick in the same places that I am.
The only difference is....
She's like mad older than me.
So her big girls are gonna drop to the knee level before mine.
I guess one can be thankful for small favors involving gravity.
Meeeow. :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I'm in love with...
He should be the next president IMHO.
Anyway, he won't be.
He grew the facial hair- that was the moment my governor crush began.
At least I can admit that.
Obama- serve him a biscuit.
He doesn't do it for me- he looks like a human clothes hanger.
Someone needs to get brother to a tailor- STAT!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Admitted Weaknesses about the Opposite Sex
If he is...
tall (5'11" +)
he reads books and/or newspapers
he writes well composed sentences
he wears yummy cologne
he knows how to be romantic
he has a sense of humor
he smiles easily
he has no problem laughing at himself
he playfully teases, but is not mean-spirited
he can be snarky once in awhile, and say wrong things that are funny,
he wears wrinkle free clothes
he has more than one pair of dress shoes
he likes to travel
he has ambition, but balances fun
he is spontaneous every now and then
he has hobbies
he has an independent life
he is geeky, smart, intelligent
he has dimples (I know, rare)
pretty blue eyes
pretty big brown eyes
he has a 9 to 5, but enjoys his beyond
he is quiet
he is shy
he is charismatic
he is the man of the moment
he just wants a simple kind of life...
he is not materialistic
he believes in God
he loves his mom, but she doesn't rule his world,
he can be any color..
strong hands,
he works well with tools (Home Depot's or his own)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Any thoughts on the Ice Queen?
She's done nothing for my home state. She's done nothing for Black people, and neither has her husband for that matter, so black people need to cease putting these podunkians on a pedestal.
Alright, my rant is over. I so wished I lived in South Carolina about now.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Are you registered to vote?
Not for nothing, I cannot stand the Ice Queen- and yes, I have met her TWICE. I've also met Governor Richardson when I had a commitment in New Mexico. Huckabee has interesting dimples and wit, but would be yet another unmitigated foreign policy disaster.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Friday mix-list?
powered by ODEO
Have you ever been proposed to by an African at a business conference?
Maybe it was the sweet tea, but I was in ATL a few years back, and met some African dude who decided to woo me over the course of three days.
Tall, handsome, big-eye, nice cologne wearing...from Somalia, but lived in San Diego. He was nice, and we were at the same conference.
We explored Atlanta together on the off-time. It was cool, I had a good time. I wasn't really caught up in the moment of thinking, hey this could move forward, because I lived in the North. Somalian Playa was aggressive, and intense. By Day THREE he said maybe we should get married, because we had "chemistry."
Did you just hear screeching tires too? LOL.
The funniest (well, not really) thing happened. The very next day, OUT OF NO WHERE I had a fever of 105, and had to go over to Emory Hospital and as it turned out...Princess Wanderlust was diagnosed with strep throat...and ended up having to leave early.
Somalian Playa had a cow, because he thought it was an impediment to our destiny...
Somalian Playa kept calling and calling once I returned to the North. However, it eventually fizzled when I told him that it didn't seem possible. My destiny was still in formation.
Odd ball thing is the next time that I did return to the great state of GA, a couple of years later, I saw him on the streets of Savannah!
However, he was engaged in a conversation with another woman. Perhaps they were working out their destiny.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Is there proof that we are still an antiquated democracy?
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Have you ever competed for a guy?
I supposedly "won" but, I so lost in the end. We lasted a year before I pulled the plug.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
What is your favorite fairy tale?
The World's Shortest Fairytale
Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy, "Will you marry me?" The guy said "No."
And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, drank martinis
with friends, always had a clean house, never had to cook, had a closet
full of shoes and handbags, stayed skinny, and was never farted on.
The End
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Does Beyonce really have street cred?
"I grew up in a very nice house in Houston, went to private school all my life and I've never even been to the 'hood. Not that there's anything wrong with the 'hood, but just to assume that I grew up there because of my color..."
In other words...she has about as much street cred as I do- none.
Did you ever have a lightbulb moment?
The last day- he drove me to the airport...and we sat across from one another. I was outgoing on overdrive, happy about my infinite possibilities in the North. He was somber. At the gate, we kissed good-bye, and I told him not to cry. It was wrong of me to say that, but I had. Hours before my departure, he had asked me not to go, which had incensed me because he had known of the plan move for six months, and said nothing. Now, with plane ticket in hand, and a vacant apartment, he thought it was a good time for me to make a permanent life there.
One day, four years later, I was at my desk, sitting in a city in the North, with the set of the very things that I'd ever dreamed of- the corner office, surrounded by skyscrapers, the nice apartment, and supportive friends, and a long-term relationship. However, thoughts of him crept up...and I wrote:
I've missed our friendship very much. I want you to know
that I think of you often, and that I often remember the good times
that we had in New Orleans. I felt like a fish out of water (which I was!) but it was always fun spending time with you.
From your love of books and chairs (!) to your fabulous sense of
humor, I really thought and still think that you are such a great
person. I know that we have not kept in touch....
You will never know how hard it was for me to leave New Orleans. I
never said that, but it really was. Leaving was probably the hardest
thing that I have ever had to made me very sad, but there was
an opportunity. It has taken me a long time to come to grips...and it
has been hard to go back even to visit, knowing that I had such a
fabulous life there. I think of New Orleans, the life that I had,
the friends that I made, it was really a difficult decision. I hope we'll catch up some day soon....
Yes, we eventually did. :) As for the chairs comment- yes, he has an awesome modernist furniture collection that looks straight out of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Did something make you tear-up a little today?
I miss you sooo much, and I miss the routine of
us...between the coffee and newspaper reading at CC's
or just being able to touch you, or
pick up the phone and see you in 10 mins. :) You are
so special to me and life has not been the same
without seeing you.
Sigh, yes...the truest words ever written, a moment when I was completely is a fabulous memory.
Eddie Kendricks- Intimate Friends
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Have you ever been to a cash only wedding?
The wedding itself was in the heroin capital (Baltimore) of the country. We had reservations at this flea bag no tell motel Holiday Inn that was recommended in the invite, adjacent to the catering hall. The thought process must have been,"yes, a room at $65 a night will mean an even bigger check for me!"
Yes, a mercenary and opportunistic little switch...make your relatives show up at the wedding with fleas, and bedbug bites but there's still a good payday... LOL.
When we showed up at the hotel, there were a bunch of straggly, dusty, strung out looking people of all colors, holed up at the place. White and black people who looked worn out with that glassy-eyed fiendish, matted hair, scratching myself to get quick comfort presentation. We literally had to step over them to get to our rooms. This one chick, she had a mangy (for real) looking German Shepherd, and he seemed to favor Alpo on a paper plate....right in the door space between the room I shared with my grandmother and theirs. Unreal.
It turned out the motley crew were with one of those magazine sales rackets- the ones where the kids come from Oklahoma or Iowa, sell you a subscription to Reader's Digest or Family Circle at a cut rate price to "help them go to college." Well, evidently these folks had been there for MONTHS, scouring the streets of Charm City, and stayed at this flop house at night. Very sad.
We attempted to leave this communicable disease looking shelter of last resort, but unfortunately we were stuck there, as the wedding was the next day, and we didn't venture too far around Baltimore, with one notable exception. Back then I was a Yankees fan in earnest, and we had tickets to see them play the Orioles. Camden Yards was gorgeous, the game was great, but in the fourth inning, the sky darkened, and we were told to go hide in the tunnel because a tornado blew No damage, just dark clouds, crazy wind, sideways rain, and it disappeared back to normal sunshine.
The next day at the wedding, there was no gift table, but only a paper model of the "wishing well" that told guests to "deposit your money envelopes HERE. Thank you!"
LMAO...after all that, the cousin had the nerve to have a money dance- where people pay to dance with the bride. My grandmother kept gagging and shaking her head. :)
The crabcakes were really delicious. :)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
And the relevance of Sharpton is...?
The Rev. Al Sharpton endorsed Barack Obama's choice of chow Thursday night - but said he was undecided about backing him for President.
"A man who likes fried chicken and corn bread can't be all that bad," Sharpton declared with a smile after he and the Illinois senator dined at Sylvia's Restaurant, a black-owned institution in Harlem.
Sharpton probably said the same thing after having lunch there in September with Bill O'Reilly. Guess what, it still could be said "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'MF-er, I want more iced tea!'"- yes, an O'Reilly quote.
I don't expect much from Sharpton or people on the Faux News Channel, so whatever.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Have you ever met an Evil Hairdresser?
However, between writing my thesis and traveling, I'd neglected the crown. I asked my neighbor's housekeeper(the only other black person in the if she knew any spots that I could go to get my hair done. She mentioned this place over in the Seventh Ward.
I went to the hair salon on St. Bernard Avenue. I walked in, and my senses were assaulted with every form of dye, burning, and straightening process within reach. Yes, the personification of a miasma of misery. I sat in a chair, and the hairdresser looked at me and said, "Well, I'll be damned, you sho' have a lotta hair. What am I going to do with all of this?!"
Creole translation "Tifi, can't cha don't cha hair" or little girl, there's nothing I can do with your hair.
Fiddle faddle, deal with it dammit. :)
After pummeling my scalp with a comb, and assaulting it with lye, I entered the depths of hell. My scalp was on fire, and the Evil Hairdresser seemed to enjoy torturing me. An hour later, I felt like I had exited the gates, to emerge in enough time to thank God that I had survived. I looked like some aged church lady, with some flat hat hair looking mess, as styling was obviously not the Evil Hairdresser's forte. I was just happy to leave.
An outgrowth of the hurricane, in fact is that the place is no longer in business. Yes, I checked when I went back to New Orleans last I guess she's assaulting people by the mile in Mississippi or Texas nowadays. Good grief.
Have you ever met a total stranger who said that he would travel to see you?
Place- New Orleans
One hot day, while packing my boxes for the move to the North, I ordered lunch from Juan's Flying Burrito in New Orleans. I bopped out of the apartment, and went from my fairly stable hood to the unstable hood within my five minute walk. At one point, I could hear the sound of a car following me. When I turned around, I saw three men in the car, and they were just a-smilin', a-flashin' their teeth, and a-wavin'. Yes, it got kinda country...
At first, I started to get nervous thinking, man I have a month left here in old Chopper City, and I've managed not to get robbed or kidnapped in my two years in the murder capital. So now, just as I have made it around the bend, I'm about to get taken out.
I waved back, I mean what else was I going to do. These men obviously were being polite, and if I ignored them, it's like not paying attention to a pit bull when the gate is wide open.
I said hi, because they were right next to me. I dug deep, thought, yes, play nice with the Southern gentlemen. They were in a Lincoln Navi. Impressive. They smelled really good, my weakness. The one in the passenger side started hollerin' at me. So here is the exchange:
Passenger Side Playa: Say Baby, what you doin' outside of the Seventh Ward?
Traslation: What was I doing outside of the neighborhood meant for people of my shade of waffle colored brown.
Me: No, I'm not from the Seventh Ward. I'm from the North.
Passenger Side Playa: Get out. You from the North? Say baby, how much longer are you going to be here?
I think the dimples started making their appearance- they always do when I'm in the company of sweet talking, yummy smelling, big smiling, impressive whip driving Southern gentlemen.
Me: I'm moving next week.
Passenger Side Playa: You don't say. Maybe I can come visit you.
Me: It's kind of far.
Passenger Side Playa: What, you think a brother can't be transcontinental? I can do that.
See, why did I have a feeling that he had been waiting for years to use that word?
Another Wrong Moment at Lord and Taylor
Unfortunately, the buyers at Lord and Taylor's New York store must have been selecting their winter hats after a crack binge.
The Congenial Lady, who was in her 60s, put on one knit hat with a pompom that had side tassels which tied together to form a bow at the chin. She asked me what I thought of it, and this is how it went down.
Congenial Lady: I'm from here (New York City), so I want to make sure that I don't look stupid when I walk down the street. (My aside- as opposed to all of the tourists who walk around in Santa hats with Crocs on while Christmas shopping).
Me: Honestly, you need to take that hat off. I don't like it. I can't let you walk out of the store looking like that. No, that hat is wrong. Pompoms are not meant for grown women. Trust me, I can't do that to you.
Congenial Lady: I'm glad that you are so honest.
Me: Yes, I mean I don't know what these buyers are thinking, but these hats are really for little girls.
(Aside- I also thought, any woman who is adding anti-wrinkle cream to her nightly beauty regime has no business wearing a pompom hat. It's about as ridiculous as a woman trying to jam her DD's into a training bra and believing they'd actually provide good support).
She ended up with this cute chenille pompom less hat. Congenial Lady approved of my black cashmere cat-burglar looking hat choice, and it was all good in the Christmas hood.
Have you ever met a Tom Brady look-alike?

Here's the story.
Yesterday, while looking for a black cashmere cat-burglar hat to keep my big head from freezing in the frigid cold, I dipped into Lord and Taylor on Fifth Avenue.
As I'm perusing in the accessories department, I hear a guy talking in the aisle behind me on his cell phone. Funny, men can go for a half-hour of complete silence across from one another when in the same room, but smack an electronic device into their hands, and they go on for an eternity chatting it up.
So Loud Cell Phone Guy is looking at himself in the vertical plate glass columns of the store, and he's running his hands through his hair. He's super colossal giggling at this point, so you'd have to be completely deaf not to hear him. His tone gets so excited, almost giddy, and he starts yelling:
"Dude, like I woke-up this morning, and I took a shower. When I finished combing my hair, I said, 'Man, I really look like Tom Brady!" (Insert his laugh). "Then, like I got stoked (laugh) because I said, like I totally cannot believe that I look so much like Tom Brady! I'm just like having a totally Tom Brady looking day! Yes (laugh again) I wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook me for Tom Brady!"
Did I really think that he looked the incredibly hot, drippingly fine and handsome quarterback from the New England Patriots?
No, I was thinking more Peter Brady, but who'd get stoked about that.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Are you a member of a certain national organization repping those of deeper hue?
I know, after all, their burial services for the "N" word so touched my soul. She probably would have strangled me if she knew that I didn't know the words to the Negro National Anthem.
Does knowing the hook to this James Brown song count? Funniest factoid of all is that the majority of kids who sang the chorus were white and Asian from the suburbs of Los Angeles. Unity in the community.
What is your favorite Rakim song?
Ah...same beat...Questionmark Asylum touched it DC style too.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Have you ever had an indirect intervention?
The familial history- well after naming off more people than fingers, the alarm must have sounded. The Nice Lady Drug/Alcohol Counselor called me down to the senior cafeteria, and said that she had never encountered someone who had such an extensive history of familial related alcoholism- on both sides to boot. I thought, no, there are more people who do, but I have no denial in admitting the lush life tendencies of a few members of the extended clan. My parents were fine, it's just the other "x" percentage that had issues, but it's not like they lived with me. I had to reassure her that none of them were dwelling on Skid Row, they were good taxpayers, but you just know when people don't know when to say when.
At one point, Nice Lady Drug/Alcohol Counselor's eyes bugged out, and she was literally shaking, and in the meantime, her voice quavered, "How do you cope?"
I giggled, and made her freak a little, and told her, "I don't know, I just tell them to pass me the bottle." Her face turned to horror, and I laughed, "Gotcha!"
Yes, I'm wrong.
Do you have a friend who is obsessed with obituaries?
However, if there were no obits, she'd send racial injustice articles instead. No one will ever accuse her of being little miss sunshine. :)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What is the best interpretation of a Jacksons classic?
Ah, Show You the Way to Go was one of the best B side singles ever.
Has a friend ever confided to you about an addiction?
Why- A bonafide meltdown when she was socked with a $1,500 cable bill.
Random fact- She said she watched one movie 37 times in two days.
My first reaction, "Your eyes sure must hurt."
Do you know a man who works from home?
Here's a cautionary tale for any woman whose husband "works from home." I recently ran into some Dexter looking dude, an unassuming accountant type at a news conference. Anyway, this is the conversation (very brief) that went down when he said hi to me.
Dexter: I know you!
Me: You do?
Dexter: I've seen you before at the train station.
Me: And you remember me? (Insert, I don't remember ever seeing you).
Dexter: Yes, I use to see you when I was with my wife, when I'd drop her off for the train. You use to take the 7:44 in the morning. I was just telling everyone over there (points to three people) that I know that woman, but I don't know from where. Do you still take the train?
Me: Occasionally, I switched jobs.
Dexter: Well, let me give you my card. We should catch up sometimes. I own my own business, and work from home (throws in his sly laugh). My wife, well, she works in the city, sooooooooo (he has seductive laughter) I always have time to do coffee or something (insert BIG smile- no laugh- it is real).
Me: (Lord) Oh...ok.
Dexter: Do you have a card?
Me: (reaching in my bag- but pulling out nothing!) No, I don't seem to have any with me. At least I have yours though.
Dexter: It was great to see you again!
Me: Yes, thank you. You take care now.
Dexter: I will. You totally have made my day. Wow, I can't believe that I saw you again.
I guess dreams do come true...for some people.
Are mothers destined to become dowdy at an early age?
However, I've noticed a trend lately. When a few of my friends have little people (children) they suddenly lose their perky, buoyant bounce, that devil-may-care coolness that made them really fun.
The friend who wouldn't be caught dead w/o her MAC pressed-powder compact is now fortunate if she has a chance to whisk a tube of Chapstick across her lips. Weekly appointments at the hairdresser for a wash and set, have been replaced with a cat-in-the-hat looking chapeau because she hasn't thrown a comb into her hair for days on end. When one of them told me she can barely catch a moment to take a shower, I protested.
Have you ever been asked for ID when using a Gold Card?
Anyway, I had used a standard issued credit card in the ghetto market before to buy Dannon Yogurt and Cheerios when I was too lazy to go to the bank. However, the store clerk demanded an ID before I could use the Gold Card. I protested for a second- a lousy $15 merits ID? You'd think I was up there buying 40s or about to sell Newport loosies or something on the street.
For all intensive purposes, I'd agree that using a Gold Card in a place that says "We accept the Louisiana Purchase Card" - i.e. food stamps could have come off looking slightly fraudulent. Princess Wanderlust just wanted to believe that her charming and articulate ways could transcend possible profiling, but alas, that was not about to go down in Chopper City.
If you ever want to see the place in question on film- check out the opening scene of "Last Holiday." Queen Latifah's character shopped there- and the owner's cute son made a cameo. For the record, he never ID'd me.
Do the recent noose incidents make you crazy?
Right now, I'm more concerned with yellow tape, surrounding the bodies of murder victims. Philadelphia has 375 this year alone. New Orleans has 200. While people are banging the drum and expressing outrage over rope, murder gets nothing but crickets.
Death trumps a bodiless knots any day of the week. Cue up Strange Fruit Project
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
What are your thoughts on insecure women?
A guy I know is a political operative, with innumerable connections. Political Brother always greets me with a hug and kiss. He is personable, nice, and quite good looking. However, I would never classify his actions as remotely more than very polite.
I recently saw him at a fundraiser. He is very chatty, and shared with me some professionally related news. Suddenly, I notice this nondescript chick beeline across the room, only to push herself into the space.
Suddenly she downgrades herself to average, based on the following: zero personality, sullen presence and bad manners. Her personal/physical appearance is irrelevant. Pretty is as pretty does, and her attitude did not exude that at all. When someone cuts and rolls their eyes, sulks, pouts and gets downright childish, it becomes a useless situation. At one point, Agitated Chick started talking under her breath!
Don't women ever get it? Is insecurity cool? Why would you allow yourself to look so lonely, needy and desperate- especially when it is abundantly clear that I have no interest in your man?
Yes- Agitated Chick grabbed his arm, and whisked him out of my sight, just as Political Brother spoke MID-sentence.
Do you have a fascination with Bossa Nova?

Yes, it is incurable too.
If I hear Bebel Gilberto singing "Tanto Tempo" I freeze.

My favorite old school one is Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66's album "Equinox."
Whenever "Wave" by Brasil 66 pipes in when I am in Pottery Barn picking out velvet pillows, I get really excited. The first time I saw "Next, Stop Wonderland" I could not stop humming the soundtrack all night. "Constant is the Rain (Chove Chuva)" is one of the songs I would listen to in the morning while eating Cheerios.
Yes, I'm corny.
When should you tell a white man to use an iron?
My words, "Whatever you do, you had better make sure your clothes are IRONED. You KNOW Black people will talk about some dude whose clothes look like they just came out of a laundry basket."
He was forever grateful for the
Have you ever been on the front page of a newspaper?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Do you know anyone who looks like a 1970s tv show sidekick?
Has a much older man ever approached you?

Yes- Case Study #1
What is your favorite Ritz Carlton moment?

Diana Krall cd, breezily flowing through the lobby bar/restaurant at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia. I was there with a pretty blue-eyed MUTUAL crush (sigh, so fly), and a bunch of other friends. It was late, and we all had too much of everything. It's one of the marble-y, fantastical wonders of a former bank, where the acoustics are impeccable and clear. Ah. The best moment was the appearance of the chocolate bar, which is something that they do in the dead of winter to chase away the blues. It's usually a pretty penny, but they comped Diana Krall played on as we all had chocolate mousse, hot chocolate, Godiva chocolates...amazing.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Have you ever upgraded a man's wardrobe?

Yes, a survey of his wardrobe revealed too many faded jeans, plaid and flannel shirts. It was a wrong choice given the steamy, humid, sticky New Orleans heat throughout 3/4 of the year. He even had a couple a pairs of Converse kicks from Bloomingdeals Thrift Store on Freret Street. He chose to eschew materialism in favor of creature comfort.
We stepped up his game and I Banana Republic-ed him, which was a good place to start. The best finish, had bank been in more abundance would have been Brooks Brothers- see Wynton above.
Total aside- Wynton's feet look big. :)
Did you ever have a friend bring an unannounced visitor for an overnight stay?
Did you ever have a date in Queens?

Yes- here's the scoop:
Who- A Mark Consuelos look-alike, + 3 yrs my age.
When- Dated as Graduate students
How the jump off of the day started- In the lounge of one of NYU's brownstone administration buildings- tension was higher than a crackhead after a binge. He whisked me away to west 4th street, and told me we should get to his place in Queens.
Transit- F Train to Elmhurst
Scenario- Turns out he lived w/his parents. His mother prayed incessantly for his lost soul, and even lit a candle daily in church. Yes, serious business.
His Background Date Music- Dead Presidents Soundtrack, and U2- "Even Better than the Real Thing"
Where the date started: His basement apartment. I fell onto his twin bed, falling deep into the cut of ecstasy while still fully clothed. However, I quickly nixed the idea of hanging out there- the crucifix over the perfectly made up bed (by his mother) stopped the nonsense. Jesus over my head dying for my sins was too much to bear.
Where the date ended: We did Chinese, at this place with lace homemade cafe curtains, truly greasy egg rolls, and overcooked pork fried rice in Jackson Heights. You had to order by number too.
Lesson learned: I swore off Queens after that.
Have you ever been on a blind date?
He is a high school teacher, right up the street from where I live. I told him that there were never ever any teachers that looked like him when I was in high school! Trust me though, he is not a typical New Orleans guy..he asked me if he should wear a suit to go to the party. He likes to wear Armani suits, and flys to Los Angeles three times a year to go shopping. A suit? Wow. I said, oh something neutral, conservative is fine, it's not a big deal. I know, this whole thing is unbelievable, I am still shocked to meet a nice guy.
He is going to the party with me and taking me out to dinner on Friday,
so we shall see how that goes. He is so much like me in temperment..stubborn, likes to laugh and very silly, so this should be a very interesting time indeed. We were
playing mind games on the phone the other night, and he was getting a
real charge out of challenging me too. Anyway, let's see what comes of this
OK- so when he came to pick me up- the perfect picture kinda ended in a sputter.
Time of arrival: 30 mins late
Car: He said he had car trouble with his DATSUN.
Attire: A FIRE ENGINE RED SUIT HEAD TO TOE- Conservative? Neutral?
Dinner Plans Post Party: CHANGED- dude wanted to go to the movies in KENNER instead to meet up with his friend Tyrone (WRONG!)
Appearance: The picture added about 50 healthy pounds to real time, he needed a biscuit.
Huge Plus: Good diction and no gold teeth (BING BING BING)
Overall: We went to the party, but he was a total non-talker in person. He asked me to call up a friend of mine so we could double-date with Tyrone. I told him to drop me off at my friend's house- she lived in a gated community- and said that we would "meet up later" with them at the movies.
We ordered a pizza and watched tv. Was it wrong? Yes, but so was his suit. :)
What is your favorite Conya Doss song?
What is your guilty pleasure?
Does your grandmother cook soul food?
Do you like Barack Obama for President?
Have you ever dated an atheist?
His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. His hair was honey brown. He was from Israel, but was deep into Marvin Gaye. He was a psychologist, so the bank was good enough to afford Upper West Side digs.
Kisses were sweet. His body was warm to the touch.
We broke up b/c I had to relo down South.
What became of him? God only knows....
Have you ever been envious?
Envious? You? No way!
You're happy with what you've got going on, and what someone else has doesn't change that.
When people succeed, you are happy for them. You know you'll get yours eventually!
What is the best way to break up with a stalker?
If he asks you for your new address? Tell him you'll send it to him.
Does your Ipod have any "N" word references?
Have you ever been kissed by a married man?
Have you ever dated a white guy?

Yes, plenty of times and a couple graduated up to boyfriend. Black women who hold out for a black man are wasting their energy if they cannot find one, and then want to complain about being dateless wonders. Life is too short to be caught up in details.
On the other hand, as a confession, the night that I heard India Arie sing this song at the Universal Amphitheater out in L.A., while sitting next to my waffle colored brown skin boyfriend made for an interesting post-concert memory...
Do You Believe in Friends Divorce?
Do you want to be a mommy?
My perfect day in New Orleans- FIRST POST

Listen to this song as you read the'll make it sweeter.
7:00- wake up in the International House Hotel
Life is Sweet.